Better You Spas

Cellulite Removal &

Skin Tightening Treatment

Cellulite Removal and Skin Tightening Treatment in Chicago, IL

Better You Spas provides cellulite removal and skin tightening services in Chicago, IL. Have your cellulite removed and skin tightened by Mira today! Call us for more information or schedule an appointment online.

Cellulite Removal and Skin Tightening Treatment in Chicago, IL
Cellulite Removal and Skin Tightening Treatment in Chicago, IL

Cellulite removal and skin tightening anywhere on the body

Using radio frequency coupled with HIFU we can remove stubborn cellulite as well as fat cells less than 10 mm under skin. This will provide immediate skin tightening, cellulite reduction while your body works to create new collagen progressively over 12 months. No maintenance needed for 12 months unless desired.

